Toronto District School Board
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Joseph Brant Public School

Joseph Brant P.S. originally opened in 1969 as a Senior School. The school is named in honour of Brant, the prominent Mohawk chief.  Located in the heart of West Hill, the school is surrounded by stable, mature neighbourhoods with a variety of housing, park land, a modern multi-use recreation facility and a new community library nearby. 2012-13 is our first year as a K-8 school. As a result of a recent Accommodation Review Committee in this area, two former feeder schools (Peter Secor Jr. and Heron Park Jr.) were closed and a major addition of Kindergartens and primary classrooms were built. From these different schools we all have blended together to work well in harmony, in a peaceful, cooperative and respectful learning environment.

The staff and students at Joseph Brant Public School are dedicated to promoting excellence in academics, the arts and athletics. Dedication to this excellence is guided by our goal to create opportunities for all members of our school to develop mutual respect for and an understanding of self and others in all environments. The commitment to excellence is a proud Brant tradition. Over the years our students and staff have earned recognition for notable school accomplishments. The guiding policy at Brant is that every person deserves to be treated with dignity and respect as they live and learn in this public school . This also applies to our building and all school materials and possessions, as well as those of others.